Recommended Reading
*Gay Girl, Good God. The Story of Who I Was and Who God Has Always Been by Jackie Hill Perry
- When she got saved, Jackie was living with her female partner. Now married to a man, Jackie talks honestly about her battle to love her husband while still feeling caught between the differences in loving a man and loving a woman. Jackie focuses on who God is and our identity in Him.
*Living in a Gray World: A Christian Teen's Guide to Understanding Homosexuality by Preston Sprinkle.
- A book giving practical advice to teens about how to biblically approach friends and family who struggle with or embrace SSA and other sexual identity issues with both grace and truth.
*Messy Grace by Caleb Kaltenbach.
- Kaltenbach was raised by lesbian parents. As a teen, he joined a Bible study to gain ammunition with which to tear down Christianity. Instead, he became a believer. He focuses on the balance that is needed between grace and truth.
*Defined: Who God Says You Are by Stephen and Alex Kendrick and Priscilla Shirer
- This book has two versions: one for teen boys and young men and one for teens girls and young women. These books focus on helping the reader to grow in their understanding of who God is and who He make made them to be. There is also a eight-week long DVD study.
*Washed and Waiting: Reflections on Christian Faithfulness and Homosexuality by Wesley Hill.
- A very open and honest look at what it is like to deal with unwanted SSA as a Christian. Although Hill lands in a different place than I do, his honesty about his struggle and how he holds to the truth of Scripture makes this book a worthwhile read.
*Out of a Far Country: A Gay Son's Journey to God. A Broken Mother's Search for Hope by Christopher and Angela Yuan.
- Christopher Yuan was a gay man in federal prison for dealing drugs when he picked a Gideon Bible out of the trash and began to read it. After becoming a believer and being released from prison he attended Moody Bible Institute and is now a professor there. Every other chapter is written by his mom, Angela who shares how she came to the Lord and then spent years praying for her son.
*Holy Sexuality and The Gospel by Christopher Yuan.
-.Yuan’s second book focuses on finding our identity in Christ instead of in our sexuality. A good book for those who want to dig deeper.
*Understanding Sexual Identity by Mark Yarhouse
-.Although a good resource specifically for youth leaders, full of information and ideas, the author stops somewhat short of the victory we have in Christ.
*The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert; an English professor’s journey into Christian faith Expanded by Rosaria Butterfield
- A lesbian professor describes her “train-wreck conversion” when a Godly couple accepted her just as she was while lovingly pointed her to Christ.
*Reach Truth from Portland Fellowship.
- This a 20-week online program designed for teens and requires all participants to have a mentor. If you wish to participate in this program but you do not have someone who can be your mentor please contact me at
*What am I feeling? Shame or Conviction? By Kegan Mosier
- A very good article that helps the reader distinguish between shame and conviction.
Below are links to several really helpful websites.